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HR Practices

Industries and the dynamics of business are changing noticeably with time, and so are the business needs to adapt to stay relevant. At  GJRG, we understand the changing demands and economies of various industries and engineer the HR functions to suit your organizational needs.

With the growing need for a diverse culture, HR practices are not just restricted to operation and reporting, or hierarchical team layouts. As our understanding for talent grows, the industry is also evolving towards a more value based, people and culture approach.

At  GJRG, we firmly believe that a right mind can always be trained. But a bright mind only needs direction. With such understanding, we offer what your organization truly needs, expertise. With smart solutions that bridge the gap between business needs and people expectations,  GJRGwill help you garner efficiency, effectiveness, and balance.

Our Approach


Understanding client’s
strengths, weakness,
opportunity and threat with
respect to their people

Art direction

Aligning culture, process
and/or, people skills
with vision and business
model of organization


Establishing key
stakeholders, time-lines and

Brand strategy

Ensuring evolution of the program is in-line with the organization objectives

Our Focus Areas

Engagement Models


Identify gaps In
process, structure
and / or culture,
through Gap
Analysis. Develop a
framework for
identified HR
components, in
consensus with the


Educate, train and
support relevant
stakeholders to
implement and
institutionalize HR
program(s) in line
with the Company


transition of the
program(s) onto the
manage a seamless